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Landing Fees non-based and All 135 operators regardless of weight
$3.00 per 1,000 # GVW over 12,500 GVW
Helicopter Landing Fees, non-based & all Part 135
$20 per landing, $40 max per calendar day
$30.00/gal, 10 Gal minimum plus $75/ hour staff time, 1 hour minimum
Courtesy Car (when available)
Complimentary use up to 2 hours (see rules)
Over 2 hours incurs $100 fee plus $50 per hour
Self-serve pressure washer
Facility fee (waived with 75 gal fuel purchase)
GPU Service
Lavatory Service
Potable Water
Staff Call Out
Per Service
Per aircraft, per day
Per Start
Per Service
Per Service
Per person up to 2 hours
Per person additional hours
Parking & Camping
Overnight Parking over 12,500
Jet, Turboprop Aircraft & Helicopters & Commercial operators
Per night
Aviation Camping
Aircraft Support RV
Landside Vehicle Parking
1st week free, approved lot
Under 50' L
51'-100' L
101' L +
With RV (each)
$10 per week non-prorateable
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